PAINLESS Skin Turn Over
A noninvasive skin treatment option for treating acne, sun damage, wounds, aging and other skin problems. If you are not a fan of pain and prefer to treat yourself naturally. THIS TREATMENT IS FOR YOU!
What is it?
LED stands for ‘Light Emitting Diode’. LED therapy is a skincare treatment that uses varying wavelengths of light, including red and blue. It was originally developed by NASA for plant growth experiments on shuttle missions and later found it to have promise for wound treatment.
LED light therapy is now used by many aestheticians to help regenerate the skin from aging, acne, pigmentation and other skin conditions. The colors of lights used in treatment based on the skin concerns. Different wavelengths of light in LED lights, including red and blue penetrate the skin at different depths. This penetration may trigger biological processes that help the skin rejuvenate and heal.
BEnefits of led treatment
LED light therapy can help treat a variety of skin problems, including:
dull skin
signs of aging, including wrinkles and age spots
sun damage
wound healing
other inflammatory skin conditions
Is it safe and is it painful?
Unlike other types of light therapy, LEDs do not contain ultraviolet raysTrusted Source. Therefore, they’re safe for regular treatment. LED light therapy doesn’t cause burns compared to other anti-aging treatments such as chemical peels, dermabrasion, and laser therapy. It may be safe for all skin colors and types.
You shouldn’t use LED light therapy if you take Accutane for acne. Side effects are rare, but may include increased inflammation, redness, and rashes in some individuals.
It is necessary to have several treatment sessions before you can notice any improvement in skin appearance. According to research, people usually see the best results several weeks after their last treatment. For first time clients we recommend you having the IPL treatment once a week for up to 10 weeks, then reduce to only once a month for 3-4 months, and gradually reduce the frequency to once every few months to maintain the results.
** To keep the skin look at its best, we recommend having a facial treatment at least once a month. Since our skin nornally renew naturally around every 4 weeks, to have a facial treatment once every 4 weeks will help nourishing the new skin cells. These good conditions new cells will result in a healthier looking skin on the surface.** Click HERE to see our ‘Facial Treatment’ we have available for you.
Keep the skin protected and hydrated with Medi8 HYDR8 B5 Hydration Serum, and Ketherine Daniels Daily DNA Defence SPF30.